
Recent revelations have brought to light a troubling trend of high-profile individuals, including Al Fayed, Jimmy Savile, Jeffrey Epstein, and Harvey Weinstein, engaging in egregious acts of sexual harassment and abuse of power. These cases underscore the critical need to address workplace sexual harassment, spurred by the #MeToo movement and subsequent shifts in societal attitudes.

From 26 October 2024, employers will bear a new legal duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. This duty represents a proactive stance, requiring employers to take pre-emptive measures to mitigate the risk of sexual harassment.

Key Changes and Obligations

Under current law, employers can escape liability for sexual harassment claims, committed by their employees if they can demonstrate that they had taken “all reasonable steps” to prevent the harasser from committing sexual harassment. The new legislation on the other hand, imposes a positive obligation on employers to anticipate scenarios and prevent sexual harassment proactively. The broad range of scenarios which could pose a risk should be considered in light of each particular type of workplace.

Implications for Private Households

Private households, due to their unique dynamics and environments, are particularly susceptible to risks associated with sexual harassment. Factors such as lone working arrangements, power differentials, and social interactions, often involving alcohol may necessitate careful consideration.

Employers in private households are now subject to heightened obligations under the new legislation. This includes ensuring respectful and professional interactions not only between the principal and employees but also within the broader household environment, including family members, friends, and guests.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with these obligations may result in:

  • Increased compensation awards by up to 25% in cases where an Employment Tribunal finds a failure to prevent sexual harassment.
  • Potential action by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), which could include requiring an action plan or entering into a binding agreement to effect change, with court injunctions as a possibility.
  • Severe reputational damage, particularly concerning for high-profile employers, given the media scrutiny surrounding allegations of sexual harassment.

Next Steps

  1. Conduct comprehensive risk assessments within the household environment. Consider household dynamics or how the behaviour of frequent visitors could create situations where harassment might occur.
  2. Update household handbook to include anti-harassment policy, ensure it is  communicated effectively to all family and staff members.
  3. Implement proactive measures, including setting expectations for respectful interactions and boundaries with family members and guests.
  4. Establish accessible reporting mechanisms for staff to report incidents of harassment promptly.
  5. Provide training for house managers or personal assistants on handling harassment issues effectively and in compliance with legal obligations.

By proactively addressing these requirements, private households can align with the new legal framework, safeguarding both their employees and their reputation in the process.on in the process.


In today’s fast-paced world, few things can derail global mobility plans quite like shipping delays. While 2023 saw a return to pre-pandemic levels and timeframes in the shipping industry, 2024 has been less forgiving. For anyone coordinating international moves, the current disruptions affecting the shipping industry are more than just a minor inconvenience—they’re a serious headache. Let’s explore the key issues impacting shipping, which, in turn, are significantly affecting the global mobility and relocation process:

  • Port Congestion: Major ports, particularly in Shanghai, Ningbo, and Los Angeles, are facing severe congestion. This is the leading cause of increased lead times, unpredictable shipping schedules, and consequently, rising shipping costs worldwide.
  • Container Shortages: The uneven recovery from pandemic-related disruptions has created a significant imbalance between importing and exporting regions. As a result, supply and demand for containers are misaligned, making it increasingly difficult to secure a container—let alone a vessel.
  • Enhanced Border Controls: Stricter border controls, particularly in Germany, have been implemented to address illegal migration and security concerns. These measures are notably affecting the movement of goods across borders in the Schengen region, causing further delays.
  • Emergency Bunker Surcharge (EBS): The EBS is an additional fee imposed by shipping companies to offset the rising costs of fuel, especially when fuel prices increase unexpectedly. For instance, this surcharge adds approximately £300 to the cost of shipping a 20ft container and £800 for a 40ft container.
  • Geopolitical Tensions: Political instability, conflicts, and tensions between nations are creating new barriers to the free movement of goods. Restrictions in conflict-affected regions, such as Ukraine and parts of the Middle East, are further complicating shipping times and reducing the availability of vessels and containers.

As if moving internationally wasn’t stressful enough, these factors can make the global mobility process seem overwhelming. While some issues are beyond our control, having strong connections within the shipping industry can be invaluable. Whether you’re relocating from Germany to the UK or from Dubai to Monaco, Jeremy has the expertise to guide you through the process. With insider knowledge and extensive relationships with multiple carriers, Jeremy can offer alternative solutions to ensure the process is as fast and cost-effective as possible.

In addition to Jeremy’s relocation services, our Global Mobility team provides comprehensive support with immigration, tax planning, property and education advice to make your move as seamless as possible—no matter the destination.


We all know the phrase “Rags to rags in three generations”.

This cliché encapsulates the challenge for wealthy families in getting the next generation to engage with the family assets, whether they be a business, a property portfolio, an art collection or something else. Other challenges include showing them how to steward them responsibly so that they are maintained and increased for the benefit not just of the current family, but also of future generations.  This should be part of the normal process of succession planning, but obstacles often get in the way, such as conflicts within the family or between generations, a reluctance to divulge information or a desire in the older generation to cling onto control. 

It is a given that each family member will have his or her personal viewpoint and priorities which are a potential source of conflict with the others.  What can be done to bring them together and give them a common purpose?  It’s not just about making money; it’s about how to make a meaningful contribution.  Three useful steps to consider would be:

  1. Agree what the family stands for in its business, its local community and in broader society;
  2. Agree what the family would like to give back;
  3. Enshrine the family ethos in a visionary set of principles and objectives that everyone can support.

One of the successful US family companies is S C Johnson & Son Inc, the makers of Johnsons Wax, which has grown from local roots in Illinois to become a worldwide business.  The company has been guided by certain basic principles since its foundation in 1886, essentially based on earning loyalty and goodwill amongst its staff and customers and contributing to its communities.  These principles were formally stated in a comprehensive mission statement called “This we believe” which has been communicated both within and without the Johnson Group. 

If the family can articulate what it stands for, it can plan how to use some of its wealth to promote philanthropic projects in which, incidentally, the next generation can become involved. 

Philanthropic projects, which are detached from the family business, are being used as vehicles for encouraging communication within families and fostering discussion and collaboration between the generations.  Nobody should be threatened by a good cause:  the next generation can be given roles in which they will learn the skills they will need later if they join the family business;  and there is undoubtedly a role for the older generation too when the time comes for them to retire from the business. 

If you would like advice on articulating your family’s values and how to promote them, please speak with Stephen Morrall or your usual contact at MEUM.


MEUM supports Action for Children, a charity whose mission is to protect and support children and young people.  It has a Family Philanthropy program through which it unites families over shared values and inspires the next generation to help vulnerable children in the UK.  If this is of interest to you, you can find out more about how you can work with Action for Children by following this link:   Family Philanthropy | Action For Children